Dawing on he own goundeakingeseach with thousands of men and women, eseach psychologist and Univesity of Califonia pofesso of psychology Sonja Lyuomisky has pioneeed a detailed yet easy-to-follow plan to incease happiness in ou day-to-day lives-in the shot tem and ove the long tem. The How of Happiness is a diffeent kind of happinessook, one that offes a compehensive guide to undestanding what happiness is, and isn't, and what cane done toing us all close to the happy life we envision fo ouselves. Using moe than a dozen uniquely fomulated happiness-inceasing stategies, The How of Happiness offes a new and potentially life- changing way to undestand ou innate potential fo joy and happiness as well as ou aility to sustain it in ou lives. Beginning with a shot diagnostic quiz that helpseades ...
Dawing on he own goundeakingeseach with thousands of men and women,
eseach psychologist and Univesity of Califonia pofesso of psychology Sonja Lyuomisky has pioneeed a detailed yet easy-to-follow plan to incease happiness in ou day-to-day lives-in the shot tem and ove the long tem. The How of Happiness is a diffeent kind of happinessook, one that offes a compehensive guide to undestanding what happiness is, and isn't, and what cane done toing us all close to the happy life we envision fo ouselves. Using moe than a dozen uniquely fomulated happiness-inceasing stategies, The How of Happiness offes a new and potentially life- changing way to undestand ou innate potential fo joy and happiness as well as ou aility to sustain it in ou lives.
Beginning with a shot diagnostic quiz that helpseades to fist quantify and then to undestand what she descies as thei "happiness set point," Lyuomiskyeveals that this set point detemines just 50 pecent of happiness while a mee 10 pecent cane attiuted to diffeences in life cicumstances o situations. This leaves a statling, and statlingly undedeveloped, 40 pecent of ou capacity fo happiness within ou powe to change.
Lyuomisky's "happiness stategies" intoduceeades to the concept of intentional activities, mindful actions that they can use to achieve a happie life. These include execises in pacticing optimism when imagining the futue, instuction in howest to savo life's pleasues in the hee and now, and a thooughgoing explanation of the impotance of staying active toeing happy. Helpingeades find theight fitetween the goals they set and the activities she suggests, Lyuomisky also helpseades undestand the many ostacles to happiness as well as how to haness individual stengths to ovecome them. Always emphasizing how much of ou happiness is within ou contol, Lyuomisky addesses the "scientific how" of he happinesseseach, demystifying the many myths that unnecessaily complicate its pusuit. Unlike those of many self-helpooks, all heecommendations ae suppotedy scientificeseach.
The How of Happiness isoth a poweful contiution to the field of positive psychology and a gift to all those who have questioned thei own well-
eing and sought to take thei happiness into thei own hands