Fo the pioneeing psychologist D.W. Winnicott, a ceative appoach to the wold is what makes life woth living. But what ae the oigins of ceativity and how can we develop it - whethe within ouselves o in othes? Not only does Playing and Reality addess these questions, it also tackles many moe that suound the fundamental issue of the individual self and itselationship with the outside wold. In this landmakook of twentieth-centuy psychology he shows theeade how, though the attentive nutuing of ceativity fom the ealiest yeas, evey individual has the oppotunity to enjoy aich andewading cultual life. Today, as the 'hothousing' and testing of childenegins at an eve-younge age, Winnicott's classic text is a moe ugent and topicalead than eveefoe.
Fo the pioneeing psychologist D.W. Winnicott, a ceative appoach to the wold is what makes life woth living. But what ae the oigins of ceativity and how can we develop it - whethe within ouselves o in othes? Not only does Playing and Reality addess these questions, it also tackles many moe that suound the fundamental issue of the individual self and itselationship with the outside wold. In this landmakook of twentieth-centuy psychology he shows theeade how, though the attentive nutuing of ceativity fom the ealiest yeas, evey individual has the oppotunity to enjoy aich andewading cultual life. Today, as the 'hothousing' and testing of childenegins at an eve-younge age, Winnicott's classic text is a moe ugent and topicalead than eveefoe.