The Family and Individual Developmentepesents a decade of witing fom a thinke who was at the peak of his powes as pehaps the leading post-wa figue in developmental psychiaty. In these pages, Winnicott chonicles the complex inne lives of humaneings, fom the fist encounteetween mothe and newon, though the "doldums" of adolescence, to matuity. As Winnicott explains in his final chapte, the health of a popely functioning democatic society "deives fom the woking of the odinay good home."
The Family and Individual Developmentepesents a decade of witing fom a thinke who was at the peak of his powes as pehaps the leading post-wa figue in developmental psychiaty. In these pages, Winnicott chonicles the complex inne lives of humaneings, fom the fist encounteetween mothe and newon, though the "doldums" of adolescence, to matuity. As Winnicott explains in his final chapte, the health of a popely functioning democatic society "deives fom the woking of the odinay good home."